Tree of Life Messianic Congregation
Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of Jewish people who have come to believe in Yeshua as the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel. Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, which means Salvation. Today there are tens of thousands of Messianic Jews in the United States alone – some have estimated the number to be as high as 150,000. Messianic Congregations and Synagogues are springing up in almost every major city across the country including San Diego. Other nations such as Canada, England, France, Israel, and Argentina are experiencing a growing movement of Messianic Jews as well.
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Luke 7:36-50 - Lessons Learned from Inside a Galilean Dinner Party
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
I. Introduction
II. WHO'S COMING TO DINNER? (Luke 7:36-40) a. Sinful, sobbing woman b. Peevish, pious Parush c. Loveable, liberating LORD
III. THE AFTER-DINNER SPEECH (Luke 7:41-47) a. The parable of two debtors b. The personal application about love
IV. WHAT'S COMING FOR DESSERT? (Luke 7:48-50) a. Forgiveness b. Salvation c. Shalom V. Conclusion
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Luke 7:18-35 - Confirmation & Vindication of Yeshua's Messiahship
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
I. Introduction
II. QUESTION: ARE YOU THE ONE...? (Luke 7:18-21) a. Reasons why Yochanan was questioning
III. ANSWER: REVIEW THE EVIDENCE (Luke 7:22-23) a. Scripture is being fulfilled! b. Lives are being transformed!
IV. COMPLIMENT: YOU'RE THE MAN! (Luke 7:24-30) a. Among humanity: Yochanan was the greatest b. The Kingdom of G-d: Greater than humanity's best
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Luke 7:1-17 - Lessons Learned from the Miraculous
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
I. Luke 7:1-10 a. The centurion approaches Yeshua as the only source of help. b. The centurion focuses on the needs of others. c. The centurion's faith is accompanied by acts of loving kindness. d. The centurion reflects an attitude of humility. e. The centurion understood spiritual authority. f. The centurion rested on ADONAI's Word - not visible evidence.
II. Luke 7:11-17 a. The misery of human suffering b. The meaning of Yeshua's response c. The miracle of Yeshua's power - He can restore!
III. Conclusion
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
I. Luke 6:37-38 a. Law #1: Don't Judge or You'll be Judged b. Law #2: Don't Condemn or You'll be Condemned c. Law #3: Forgive Others to be Forgiven d. Law #4: Give and it will be Given to You
II. Luke 6:39-49 a. Parable #1: The Blind Leading the Blind b. Parable #2: A Speck or a Plank in the Eye? c. Parable #3: Fruit - the Outward Expression of the Inner Nature d. Parable #4: Heart - Your Moral and Spiritual 'Control Center' e. Parable #5: Mouth - Your Words Reveal Your Heart's Overflow f. Parable #6: Yeshua's Residential Construction Seminar
III. Concluding Application a. Storms will come into your life. b. You are building a shelter (life) against the storms. c. In the storms, you discover the stability of your foundation. d. Storm-proof your life. e. You haven't faced your biggest storm yet.
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
I. Introduction - Luke 6:27-36 a. These are personal directives - not corporate or national b. It's impossible to obey these directives without the POWER OF Ruach HaKodesh c. These practices reflect the character of ADONAI
II. The Meaning of the Law Governing Injury- Luke 6:27-30; Proverbs 24:29 a. Have you been injured? Don't retaliate b. Have you been insulted? Don't resent c. Admitting spiritual hunger leads to satisfaction
III. The Meaning of Human Relationships - Luke 6:31-36 a. Israel's two fatal mistakes in interpreting this law b. Four practical acts in interpreting "to love"
IV. Conclusion
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Luke 6:12-26 - Appointing the Twelve & The Midrash on the Mount (Part 1)
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
I. Appointing the Twelve - Luke 6:12-16 a. Fundamental principles of talmidut (discipleship) b. Rights that talmidim (disciples) surrender
II. The Midrash on the Mount (Part 1)- Luke 6:17-26 a. Declaring spiritual bankruptcy produces fullness b. Confidence in wealth leads to disappointment c. Admitting spiritual hunger leads to satisfaction d. Self-satisfaction produces complacency e. Expressing your pain can lead to laughter f. Inappropriate laughter kills true joy g. Enduring persecution produces joy h. Living for the praise of people is a wasted life
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Luke 5:27-6:11 - Yeshua's Attitude toward Sinners, Judaism, and the Shabbat
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
I. Yeshua calls Levi: Receiving Sinners - Luke 5:27-32
II. Yeshua Explains about the Ushering in of a Jewish B'rit Chadasha - Luke 5:33-39 a. Illustration #1 b. Illustration #2 c. Illustration #3
III. Yeshua's Authority & Attitude Toward Shabbat - Luke 6:1-5 a. Scene #1: A horrifying harvest! b. Background on the P'rushim c. Yeshua is greater than rabbinic halacha 1. Step #1 2. Step #2 - Matthew 12:5 3. Step #3 - Matthew 12:6 4. Step #4 d. Scene #2: A hateful healing - Luke 6:6-11