Tree of Life Messianic Congregation
Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of Jewish people who have come to believe in Yeshua as the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel. Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, which means Salvation. Today there are tens of thousands of Messianic Jews in the United States alone – some have estimated the number to be as high as 150,000. Messianic Congregations and Synagogues are springing up in almost every major city across the country including San Diego. Other nations such as Canada, England, France, Israel, and Argentina are experiencing a growing movement of Messianic Jews as well.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Pictures of Teshuvah
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
1. Genesis 44:32-34 (TLV)
2. Genesis 45:1-5 (TLV)
3. Genesis 45:9-11 (TLV)
1. Hosea 14:5-7
1. Mattityahu/Matthew 7:15-20 (TLV)
2. Fruit inspection in the Messianic Movement
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
I. Psalm 142 - A Refuge from Trouble
1. Introduction
2. My plight: The enemy has me trapped and lonely, with no one to care for my soul (Ps. 142:4b,5 TLV)
3. My plea: Help me, LORD, because You know my path! (Ps. 142:1-4a TLV)
a. Important lessons on how to be wise or skillful in prayer
4. My portion: The LORD is my refuge and my portion (Ps. 142:6,7a TLV)
5. My prospect: The LORD will deliver me so that I may give thanks to Him in the company of
the righteous (Ps. 142:7b,8 TLV)
6. Conclusion
II. Psalm 148 - Praise Him, All Creation!
1. Introduction
2. Everything and everyone in heaven should praise the LORD (Psalm 148:1-6 TLV)
3. Everything and everyone on earth should praise the LORD (Psalm 148:7-14 TLV)
4. Conclusion
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 9): Crying out for Forgiveness & Redemption
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
I. Psalm 130
1. Introduction
2. Out of the depths of guilt and despair, we can cry out to the LORD for mercy (Ps. 130:1,2 TLV)
3. ADONAI's forgiveness leads to reverence, because without it, we're doomed (Ps. 130:3,4 TLV)
4. Experiencing ADONAI's forgiveness makes us wait and hope for Himself (Ps. 130:5,6 TLV)
5. Experiencing ADONAI's forgiveness makes us desire that others would also experience His
abundant redemption (Ps. 130:7,8 TLV)
6. Conclusion
II. The Final Days of Elul
1. Thirteen Attributes of God (Exodus 34:6,7 TLV)
2. Moses' direct prayer for forgiveness (Exodus 34:8,9 TLV)
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 8): Praising & Worshiping our Holy God
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
I. Psalm 92 - Praising our Holy God
1. Introduction
2. Praising Him because of who He is and what He has done (Ps. 92:1-6 TLV)
3. Praising Him because He will triumph over the wicked (Ps. 92:7-10 TLV)
4. Praising Him because He causes the righteous to flourish (Ps. 92:11-16 TLV)
5. Conclusion
II. Psalm 99 - Worshiping our Holy God
1. Introduction
2. He reigns in holiness - worship Him in reverence (Ps. 99:1-3 TLV)
3. He reigns in justice and righteousness - worship Him with a submissive heart (Ps. 99:4,5 TLV)
4. He reigns in faithfulness, mercy, and righteousness - worship Him with reverent intimacy (Ps. 99:6-9 TLV)
5. Conclusion
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 7): T'filah (Prayer) 101 & Praying for Revival
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
I. Psalm 86 - T'filah (Prayer) 101
1. Introduction (Ps. 86 - all of it - TLV)
2. Why should we pray?
3. To whom should we pray?
4. How should we pray?
5. What should we pray for?
6. Conclusion
II. Psalm 80 - Praying for Revival
1. Introduction (Ps. 80 - all of it - TLV)
2. We will pray more earnestly for revival when we sense our desperate need.
a. We need revival because of the powerful enemies that seek to destroy us.
b. We need revival because of the powerful sins that often entangle us.
3. We will pray more earnestly for revival when we realize that only ADONAI can produce genuine revival.
4. We will pray more earnestly for revival when we desire for ADONAI to be glorified.
a. How is ADONAI glorified?
5. Conclusion
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 6): Making ADONAI's Praise Glorious from Around the Earth
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
I. Psalm 66 - Making ADONAI's Praise Glorious
1. Introduction (Ps. 66:1-4 TLV)
2. We should make ADONAI's praise glorious corporately
a. When we praise Him exuberantly and extend His praise worldwide
b. When we contemplate His awesome works in redeeming His people and in ruling the nations (Ps. 66:5-7)
c. When we see His providential goodness in using trials for our ultimate good (Ps. 66:8-12)
3. We should make ADONAI's praise glorious individually
a. By coming into ADONAI's house with the sacrifice of total dedication to Him (Ps. 66:13-15)
b. By telling other believers what He has done for our soul (Ps. 66:16-20)
4. Conclusion
II. The Mystery of Selah
III. Psalm 67 - Praise from all Peoples
1. Introduction (Ps. 67:1-8 TLV)
2. We should seek ADONAI's blessing
3. When we have ADONAI's blessing, we will be glad in Him
4. When we are glad in ADONAI, we will want to spread that gladness to all nations
5. Conclusion
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 5): Our Proper Focus, Trust, & a Heavenly Courtroom Drama
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
I. Psalm 49 - Correcting our proper focus and object of trust
1. The psalmist's call: ____________________________(Ps. 49:1-4 TLV)
2. The psalmist's counsel: ________________________ (Ps. 49:5-12 TLV)
3. The psalmist's contrast: ________________________(Ps. 49:13-15 TLV)
4. The psalmist's repeated counsel: _________________(Ps. 49:16-20 TLV)
II. Psalm 50 - A Heavenly Courtroom Drama
1. We will all stand before ADONAI for judgment (Ps. 50:1-6 TLV)
2. Defendant #1: When we do, what will matter is _________________ (Ps. 50:7-15 TLV)
3. Defendant #2: When we do, what will matter is _________________ (Ps. 50:16-21 TLV)
4. ADONAI's final appeal and ruling to both defendants: ___________ (Ps. 50:22,23 TLV)
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Summer in the Psalms (Part 4): Psalms of the Shepherd and of Trust
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
I. Psalm 23 Introduction - Experiencing Contentment Step #1: Make the Lord your Shepherd (Ps. 23:1) Step #2: Know and Enjoy the Good Shepherd's gracious provisions (Ps. 23:2,3) a. Green Pastures b. Still Waters c. Restored Soul d. Guidance in Righteous Paths Step #3: Walk with the Good Shepherd through the hard times (Ps. 23:4,5) a. Trials of fear b. Trials of conflict c. Trials of irritation Step #4: See ADONAI's goodness in every situation, both now and in the future (Ps. 23:6) Conclusion
II. Psalm 27 Introduction - Overcoming our Fears Step #1: Affirm your faith in Him alone (Ps. 27:1-3) Step #2: Focus on the Lord Himself (Ps. 27:4-6) Step #3: When fear returns, seek the Lord by redirecting your focus to Him in heartfelt prayer (Ps. 27:7-12) Step #4: Continue seeking the Lord by continually reaffirming your faith in Him (Ps. 27:13,14) Conclusion